Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What We Say And How.

The other day me, my little brother and little sister with my mom were doing our devotions for the day and the first thing that momma read was  Proverbs 15:1. "A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.
It was so simple yet I noticed as she read that I sometimes forget that, when some one is talking to me and is  being snappy or mean. If I just answer that person with a soft word or two it would make things calm down between me and that person.
But many times I would get defensive or angry then I would answer back with a harsh word and then it just keeps going down hill from there.      

A good example.
My older brother works at our locale Chick-fil-a dwarf house. So he has to work with all kinds of people. Some sweet and some grumpy. Lots of the people there were "warning" Him of a certain someone.
"Yeah, you had better look out for so and so, not friendly!" He said that he would and keep on working.
Well, latter he gave so and so an order of food, and so and so looked at him and said something like... "This is NOT right! This is NOT how you put the food!"
Now, He had two choices. One, he could have just said, "I have only been here a few days! Get off my back!" Or two, realize his mistake and apologize.
This is what he said. Oh, I am sorry, I did not know the food went like that."
So and so looked at him and then seemed to calm a little and said. "That's alright, I will show you where it goes."

God gives us simple instruction that makes a really big difference in our every day life. I Praise God that he had given us His Word so that we can know and be reminded of this!

What are your thought's on this? I would love to hear them!



  1. I totally agree with you. Great post. Thank you. I liked the example you used. Your brother sounds like a great guy! LOL!
    Hope to see posts like this in the future.

  2. Nice profile pic!! You're beautiful! :)

  3. Thanks for helping me Jenna! You are very sweet!

  4. Hey Sarah Belle! Like that profile pic! I agree with Jenna, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! :D
