Sunday, August 1, 2010

First Post.

Thank you for coming and visiting my blog! This is the first time I have ever had a blog or did any thing like this! So if somthing looks different or......something, just know that this is all very new to me and am learning as I go!

I decided to name my blog Simply At Home because that is who I am and how I live. And the Lord has  me learning and striving to be a keeper of my home. (Titus 2:4-5)

Thank you again for visiting! I pray that some how in some way that my blog will be a blessing to others.
And right now I am going to dedicate my blog to my Heavenly Father. "Lord, bless this blog and help me to use it to honor and glorify you! I give my blog to you Lord! AMEN!"


  1. Hey sis! I Like your blog! CUTE! Nice name. :) I love you!

  2. I like your blog! Good name! If you have any problems figuring anything out lemme know and we can put our heads together! :)

  3. Hey Sarah! Thanks for telling me how to comment:)
    Your blog looks great and I like the name too!

  4. VERY nice. :) I think I will put this in my favorits list to visit it often. :) You had better keep it updated or I will start picking on you. LOL
    Love you,

  5. Hello Sarah dear!!
    Welcome to "blog world":)!!
    I am so excited that you have started one.
    I'll add you to my friends list!

    Love you very much...


  6. Lovely blog, dear Sarah! <3 :-)
