Thursday, March 24, 2011

Life's Hard Battles.

Every day Satan is going to and fro about the earth, plotting against the Follower's of Christ (or Knights of the Prince)  seeking to confuse, tempt, and utterly destroy them.   And what he sends our way may be something that looks like fun or inviting for a short time....but if we give into the temptation that he sends our way we will find our selves more lost (not salvation lost) and wondering than we were before.   And he does these things to distract us from focusing on being more Christ-like and following His Word.

Or he may send a hard or even dark situation into our lives, to further distract and cause us to doubt our day to day lives.  It could be anything,  losing a job,  the death of a loved one,  a tense situation with family or friends.  The list could go on and on.

How do we deal with hard and tempting situations?

First we can't deal with this Devil by our selves.   God our Lord and Savior is our great help in troubled times.  We can't do any good by our selves,  only through Him can we fight life's hard battles.    Spending time with Him and spending time in His word is just about the best thing for us when hard stuff comes our way.  Daily prayer, and reading of His word to keep His promises fresh in our minds.  Because we are a very forgetful people, and need to be reminded and refreshed daily.

Also it comes down to the choices that we make and what we allow in to our heart and mind.   Holding fast to the truth and choosing the right things to dwell on can be very hard at times.  But we must hold fast to the truth of Him and His word.   He is faithful!

1 comment:

  1. You are so right He is faithful, and we can't fight our battles by ourselves. Good post. Good reminder. Thank you.
