Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Knight of the Prince.

If you have never read my favorite series by Chuck Black  called "The Kingdom Series"  or his new books  "The  Knights of Arrethtrae"  Then I must urge you to check out these amazing books that are not only full of adventure and excitement but are also challenging and encouraging. The first series is an alagory of the Bible set in medieval times, and the second is about Knights of the Prince (Christians).
 The Prince represents Jesus.  The knights live out their faith conquering many trials and tribulation that Christians go through.   I am honored to call myself a Knight of the Prince, though I could never, no matter how hard I try earn that title.  My Savior opend my eyes years ago telling me I was great sinner, and that with out Him I could never gain eternal life with Him.   This series is so good and so encouraging that I would like to recommend it to any one and every one!  

Medieval sword against a blurred background of an ancient...   
I encourage you to take up the two edged sword (the Bible)  to fight lifes battles!

To ride hard and sure even when the enemy is pressing in on you!

Medieval Tapestry Accolade - Knighting Ceremony, Leighton (Medieval Tapestries), 20" X 32"

To be the Prince's servant and tell others about Him and tell them what He has done for us!
Lion male

The King reigns....and His Son!!!


  1. I like the pics! Awsome. I have read the first two books and liked them. :D Great post! :)Keep striving to be a knight of the Prince!

  2. You're going to make me want to read them again!! *smile*
