Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sick yet Thankful!

Today I awoke with a sore throat and all around grumpiness!  (yes, there are time when I get grumpy :P )

I thought I should be thinking of more things I am thankful for so here are three more!

1. Hot, healing tea.

2. Mommas to love me even when I'm a turkey and don't feel well.

3. I'm thankful that God has blessed me with the good health that I do have.  Sure, I'm not feeling 100% right now.  But God is SO good and I am not terminally sick or anything serious!

Thank you Lord!


  1. Oh, I hope you feel better soon!


  2. In my sympathy. I'm sick too! Grrrr

  3. I think just about everyone's been sick lately! I have't been feeling too great my self. I'm just now getting over it. My mom was sick, Sadie was sick, my Aunt, my cousins, the list goes on! It's kinda weird that everyone got sick around the same time.
    Well, I hope you get well soon.Being sick is no fun (except for not having to do school.:)
    Maddy H.

  4. Ugh. Sick is no fun, but at least where all getting better. :) That's # 1 that I am thankful for.
    2# Cake Donuts. The world wouldn't be the same without them.
    3# Cats who will curl up with you in bed and keep your feet warm. :)
    Love you,
