Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fall & Books.

Hello dear reader's!

Can any one believe that's it's September and that it's almost Fall? I for one can not quite grasp it yet!

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year! How  lovely the tree get, and how cool it is. So that it no longer hurts to walk out side! : )

During this time I just love to sit down with a good book and read  away! I seem to go into the world of the book and am friends with the characters that I like, and follow them through the advetures and life lessons that they go through and learn. You see you can have a grand adventure safely in your favorite reading chair  and not get in  trouble. And you can learn very important lessons with out going throughout the things that the character does.

Right now I am reading a book to my dear sister called, "The Hidden Hand." This book is full to overflowing  with mystery, abventure, and a wonderful story about a young girl in 1800's who in a long and mysterious turn  of  events is taken off the streets of New York and is abopted by a kind but gruff old gentleman.   Taken  to his big rich house full of mystery and were she has unbelievable adventures! Now I dare not say more execept  that if you love a good book with mystery and adventure with notorious outlaw's and heroic characters then I highly recomend this book that  my sister and I  are enjoying so wonderfully!

                                                               Me and my dear sister Emma.


  1. Ooh, you're making me miss curling up in our big room on a gloomy, fall day and reading away. And you're making me want to read The Hidden Hand again! And you're making me miss you.
    Lovely blog post, I thoroughly enjoyed it! Keep it up!

  2. Another lovley post!:)
