Thursday, April 19, 2012


I have been taged by Mrs. Amy! it goes!

1. If you could be any bird, what kind would you be? ---- A Terradactal!  Oh yeah! : P (well, I think it's a bird!!!)

2. What is the best way you have found to make new friends? ----I think just to be myself and being truly interested in the other person.

3. If you were assured of success, what would you do? ---- Travel the world....Europe first! :)

4. What 'sayings' did the most impactful male roll model in your life say?(father, grandfather, brother, friend)
-----I would have to say when my Poppa gave me my purety ring and told me this.  "Sarah, I love you and I'm going to put this ring on your finger....then one day.....I'm going to take it off and another man will put another ring on your finger."   That was so sweet and I will remember if always!

5. What is the best way you have found to make someone smile?  By telling fun/funny storys about life! : D (there are lots of funny storys to go around!) : P

6. What makes you feel pretty?----Um, I think when my family (especially my Momma and Poppa) tell me I am!

7. If they were to make a movie of your life, what star should play you?  Um....maybe Anna Popplewell.  My Momma said Audry Hepburn. : )

8. What do you collect?  Old coins, books, and good movies! 

9. Have you ever wished to change your first name, and if so what would you change it to?  I really like my name...but if I were to change it I would have to say that......maybe the name Lucy.  But I'm not sure! ; )
Thanks Mrs. Amy!  This was fun!!!!!

Panda Crazy!

Pandas!  I love them!  They are sooo cute and cuddly looking that when ever I see them I just want to give them a great big hug!  (not that giving a hug to one would really work out very well. LOL!)
Not so long ago my sweet sister Emma and her friend Autumn made some tasty cupcakes......panda style! 

Using Oreos, raisins, pretzels, and lots of frosting and I don't know what all else, the girls made these adorable little bears!

This little guy was getting a little hungry!

The two wonderful decorators! 

Emma on the left and Autumn on the right.

                                                       It's a whole family of panda bears!!!!!

               You girls did such a great job!  And they were really yummy too!  They did not last long! lol! : P